Lezzet mortar white

3,600  (Lot 2)

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Introduction of [Lezzet] series


The "Lezzet" line, meaning a flavor in Turkish, is a kitchen tool and tableware item to enjoy herbs and spices, etc. Made of red earthen clay, it gives a warm feeling. [Gray] is bluish gray with a matte texture. [17 round mortar L] is recommended for use not only in the kitchen but also on the dining table. Enjoy smelling fresh aroma and feeling the texture by grinding and grating herbs, spices, ginger or garlic to taste. By doing so, meals will become even more delightful! ※[White] will be discontinued when the items in stock run out.


studio m'
φ167mm/ W180mm/ D167mm/ H82mm/ 920cc/
Material Number
material number1details
Material Icon

Strong Color Shade Variations

Strong Color Irregularities

Glaze or Slip Drips


Crazing (Chaps)

Iron in Powder

Microwave Safe

Not Oven Safe

Dishwasher Safe

陶器(赤土) / 乳白釉 / 還元 /
made in  JAPAN

※焼成の度合いや釉薬の性質上、色ムラや焦げ感に個体差が生じます。※すり鉢の使用後はすぐに洗い乾いた布で拭き、よく乾燥させてから収納してください。※すりこぎは別売りです。<b><a href="/webstore/products/detail/293">モルティエのすりこぎL</a></b>をおすすめします。

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